Working Fit
About Us
Medical Director - Dr Tony Williams
How we use your information - data protection and the GDPR
Contact us
Occupational Health Services
Employee and patient information
Sickness absence
Pre-employment assessment
Employer's guide
What is 'evidence'?
Journal quality
Undertaking a literature search
Study types
Secondary review studies
Study grading
Fitness for work after surgery
Principles for recovery after surgery
Breast surgery
Cardiothoracic surgery
General and abdominal surgery
Gynaecological surgery
Head and neck surgery
Ophthalmic surgery
Orthopaedic surgery - lower limb
Orthopaedic surgery - spine
Orthopaedic surgery - upper limb
Urological surgery
Vascular surgery
Medical evidence
Endocrine conditions
Mental Health
Neurological conditions
Musculoskeletal conditions
General evidence
Respiratory conditions
Unexplained and exaggerated symptoms
Infectious disease in OH
Ill health retirement, Pensions and Insurance assessments
LGPS England and Wales, Scotland
Long-COVID, post-COVID syndrome
Medical evidence
General evidence
General evidence
Related content
About Us
Medical Director - Dr Tony Williams
How we use your information - data protection and the GDPR
Contact us
Occupational Health Services
Employee and patient information
Sickness absence
Pre-employment assessment
Employer's guide
What is 'evidence'?
Journal quality
Undertaking a literature search
Study types
Secondary review studies
Study grading
Fitness for work after surgery
Principles for recovery after surgery
Breast surgery
Cardiothoracic surgery
General and abdominal surgery
Gynaecological surgery
Head and neck surgery
Ophthalmic surgery
Orthopaedic surgery - lower limb
Orthopaedic surgery - spine
Orthopaedic surgery - upper limb
Urological surgery
Vascular surgery
Medical evidence
Endocrine conditions
Mental Health
Neurological conditions
Musculoskeletal conditions
General evidence
Respiratory conditions
Unexplained and exaggerated symptoms
Infectious disease in OH
Ill health retirement, Pensions and Insurance assessments
LGPS England and Wales, Scotland
Long-COVID, post-COVID syndrome